DJI Intelligent Flight Modes: Enhance Your Piloting Experience

From this article, you'll learn how DJI intelligent flight modes work and what they can offer you.
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Last updatedLast updated: March 08, 2025
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The drone market is expanding daily, and new technology is being released to make drones more convenient and exciting. DJI is one of the best drone brands in the world, and they have continually released unique products. Many people worldwide use drones from DJI, which have been seen as reliable and durable.

But to stay at the top of drone brands, they have released a new technology that has completely changed how drones are used. DJI intelligent flight modes are what every drone enthusiast is excited about. In this article, we shall discuss them and why they should impress you.

DJI Intelligent Flight Modes

Drones are the handiest machines you can own, as they can be used for all purposes and in different conditions. Imagine using your machine even when the weather isn’t friendly. That tells how durable drone machines can be. If you’re interested in owning a drone that can be used regardless of the weather conditions, you should check out this list of the best drones for windy conditions.

The DJI intelligent flight modes are different templates with various options to allow users to create videos conveniently. You can also personalize them to give a personal touch. It is a handy tool that helps you get the best shots conveniently and in different ways.

Also, with the new DJI technology, AI can identify the scene, and it helps with planning the best flight route.

Here are some of the most used intelligent flight modes and how they are used.

Point of interest

One of the most recognizable and used Intelligent modes is the Point of Interest mode. With it, you can choose a point. The drone will automatically circle it continually. Using the point of interest mode, you first set the altitude, then choose whether the flight is fully autonomous or circle the object while you control the speed, radius, and heading.

Active track

Another exciting, intelligent mode is the active track mode Trusted Source DJI Active Track: Make the Drones Follow You Among the drone technologies that have helped creators to shoot professionally, DJI ActiveTrack may have proved the most useful and important. Learn it now! . It is one of the most popular and one you can find on almost every new drone. In the active track mode, you can lock on to a person or an object, and the drone will automatically follow it.

In this mode, there are three different options, and they include:

  • Trace: this option makes the drone tail the subject from behind or from the front;
  • Parallel: the profile option makes the drone follow from any side;
  • Spotlight: the spotlight option will keep the drone’s camera on the object or person-centered from wherever it wants.

Although, it is essential to note that some systems have more than one of these options. For example, the active track is part of the DJI Air 2s intelligent flight modes and has trace and parallel options.


DJI Intelligent Flight Modes: Enhance Your Piloting Experience

TapFly is another intelligent flight mode that’s pretty self-explanatory. You simply tap buttons on the screen to control the drone’s direction. It can be forward, backward, or random. Once you start flying, a screen will appear, allowing you to choose the speed of the drone’s flight, and while using it, you can either ascend or descend. The feature is present on multiple drones but is most notably a part of the DJI Spark’s intelligent flight modes.


With this, your drone flies from a previously tagged point to the next, and through this, the pilot can choose whether they want the drone to work autonomously or take charge of the camera. Waypoint is a good tool that can be used to record videos or capture pictures in a particular way repeatedly. It is beneficial to people who work in the construction industry Trusted Source 6 Ways Drones in Construction Are Changing the Industry - BigRentz The possible applications of drones in construction are vast. We cover how they are revolutionizing the industry, from streamlining projects to lowering costs. . The DJI Air 2s Drone is a quality drone with Waypoints mode. It’s a good option if you want quality performance.

Follow me

This is an exciting mode if you’re tired of navigating your drone. Follow me mode is a valuable tool that sets the drone to follow the pilot automatically. Setting it is easy, and with a simple tap, your machine is at your back.


The Cinematic intelligence flight mode is an excellent feature that can make movie-like videos with your drone aircraft. It offers cinematic movements like smooth turns and gimbal movements to create a quality move-like video.


A favorite for drone pilots is the Tripod mode. It is the best tool if you’re looking at recording cinematic footage. The primary feature of this intelligence mode is that the drone will move at a very fast speed, allowing you to get super-stabilized footage. For example, the Tripod mode will be handy for circling subjects like buildings, helping you to capture different angles and perspectives for real estate videos. It’s exclusive to particular drones, but it’s part of the DJI Go 4 Intelligent flight modes.


The Gesture intelligence mode is really cool, as the drone recognizes the gestures you make to make the drone take action. Once the drone has detected you, a rectangle appears on the screen, meaning you have been tagged as the tracking subject.

Terrain follow

This mode enables the drone machine to change its altitude automatically, but it depends on the terrain it is flying over. Using it is simple, as you just have to adjust the altitude, but it’s important to note that if the drone gets too high, the mode will be disabled. Flying a drone too high might affect the machine because cold weather can affect the systems and get the device to fail, but if you’re looking for drones that work well in different weather conditions, look at this compilation of the best drones for cold weather.

Home lock

DJI Intelligent Flight Modes: Enhance Your Piloting Experience

A Home Lock is an excellent tool for beginner pilots, and it helps you direct your drone to return to its home base safely. The drone returns to the home base, depending on which direction you pick on the controller.

Course lock

This is used to make the drone fly in a particular direction. Setting it is easy as you simply choose Lock mode on the app, choose the course line, and press apply. A red line will pop up on the map, directing your aircraft on where it’ll go.


The Quickshots intelligence mode is the tool that allows users to capture better aerial footage with their drone from different altitudes. There are different DJI Quickshots, including Dronie, Helix, Rocket, Circle, and Boomerang, and they all have different movements. One of the best drones to use for Quickshots is the DJI Mini 2. It has various features to get the best aerial shots and is a reliable product. If you own a Mavic Mini and are looking for a way to get more cool features, then you should check out the best DJI Mavic Mini accessories.


What are the DJI Mavic Intelligent Flight Modes?

The intelligent flight modes available on the DJI Mavic include Gesture mode, Tripod, Cinematic mode, Active Track, and Tapfly.

What are the Mavic Pro Intelligent Flight Modes?

The Mavic Pro has the following intelligent flight modes, Tapfly, Tripod, Gesture mode, Cinematic and Active Track.

What are the DJI Mini 2 Flight Modes?

The DJI Mini 2 has three flight modes: Normal, Cinematic, and Sports.

What are Mavic Air 2 Intelligent Flight Modes?

The Mavic Air 2 has Quickshots, FocusTrack, and Hyperlapse intelligent flight modes.

Final Thoughts

DJI intelligent flight modes have made drones more convenient, and there is so much more that you can do with your aircraft since the introduction of this technology. But DJI isn’t stopping there as more and more flight modes are being developed. So, you should always be on the lookout for updates.


DJI Active Track: Make the Drones Follow You
Among the drone technologies that have helped creators to shoot professionally, DJI ActiveTrack may have proved the most useful and important. Learn it now!
6 Ways Drones in Construction Are Changing the Industry - BigRentz
The possible applications of drones in construction are vast. We cover how they are revolutionizing the industry, from streamlining projects to lowering costs.
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